Monday, August 4, 2008

All New To Me

I recently had a very generous offer to purchase Traci's web site, I could hardly refuse, but can I make her proud -- that is the question..?? I met her (where else) at a bead shop that we both enjoy very much... She's a wonderful person and hope to see her on occasion..
Her jewelry is wonderful and do hope to design some nice pieces that people will be interested in..

I really like the Swarovski beads because of the shine they give off ...... They sparkle like a diamond - and what girl doesn't like sparkle??

Traci is busy with her young son and baby that is due to arrive this fall. My children are grown I have more time to devote to this new adventure .. It is not that I am not, familiar with beading, as I have been doing it for some time I just never dreamed I would have my own web site...

Please be patient with me it's all new and will take some time to everything organized ..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful! Good luck with the business!